segmentation fault with rarefaction.shared

I have previously run rarefaction.shared with subsampling on mothur v.1.32.1 with no problems, however 3 days ago I started the following:

rarefaction.shared(shared=file.shared, subsample=3997)

It took 3 days to complete, and when it was done I received the following:

Segmentation fault: 11

[Process completed]

However, it has been 3 hours since this popped up and I have yet to receive a new “mothur>” command line.

This command has never taken this long to complete before, and I have never received that a segmentation fault before. Not sure if this is a bug or simply an error caused by my specific data?

Weird - i wonder if there’s something wrong with file.shared? Perhaps you want to rerun make.shared and try again.
