I ran into problems immediately upon starting the program. I have the latest version (v.1.44.3) on my computer - the operating system is Windows 10. When I start the program, an error message immediately appears: “[ERROR]: Could not open mothur.1615667951.logfile” I tried deleting the previous logfiles, and I am the system administrator on my computer, but nothing worked, the logfile simply didn’t appear. I tried writing some commands, but the program immediately crashes and closes, I can’t even run the set.dir(debug=T) to get a clearer view on the problem. I tried to delete the program from the computer, and download it again, but nothing worked.
Can you help me with this problem?
When mothur can’t open the logfile, it is most often caused by a permissions issue or a disk space problem. Do you have write permissions to the location of mothur’s executable? Does mothur have enough disk space to write the logfile?