I am trying to use the metastats part of Mothur to look for enrichment of certain viral populations in different environments. I am working with viral data, so I did not process my raw data using Mothur. Instead, I tried following the format for making a shared file (https://mothur.org/wiki/Shared_file) and design file(https://www.mothur.org/wiki/Design_File). I keep getting the error:
Using 1 processors.
Missing shared info for Group1 or Group2. Skipping comparison.
Missing shared info for Group3 or Group1. Skipping comparison.
Missing shared info for Group3 or Group2. Skipping comparison.
I’ve tried multiple different tries and iterations and searched the forums for help and can’t seem to solve it, so I thought I might ask here… Is this an easy fix?
I am using the following code:
mothur > metastats(shared=example.shared, design=example.design)