I have been used mothur for a long time and got a lot of benefits from it. I’m grateful to the software developmemt team. Here are several questions on metastats.
I applied metastats command in mothur to detect differentially abundant otus from Healthy and Unhealthy populations in all 30 oral samples (pyrosequencing data).
As the tutorial I took the .shared and .design file as input,the command is as following:
metastats(shared=pg1_r_0.97.shared, design=pg1_r.design)
The output file seem to be that as requested: there were 579 otus were detected to be significantly(p<0.05) different between H and U populations.
For the purpose of getting q value of each otu, I fomatted the file of pg1_r_0.97.shared for the original software on website (http://metastats.cbcb.umd.edu/detection.html)and submitted it to re-run this data.
However, some questions came out when I compared the data analysis results from different versions of “metastats”:
- the total number of the otus detected shifted to 459.
- most of p values of otus detected were different from those in the output of mothur version
Metastats in mothur
OTU mean(group1) variance(group1) stderr(group1) mean_of_counts(group1) mean(group2) variance(group2) stderr(group2) mean_of_counts(group1) p-value
6 3.083369 6.606199 0.686929 4.714286 0.461625 1.765457 0.332176 0.9375 0.001998
7 0.063472 0.028229 0.044904 0.142857 0.352779 0.16253 0.100788 0.75 0.015984
11 0 0 0 0 0.205585 0.676243 0.205585 0.375 0.000999
Metastats on website
Name mean(group1) variance(group1) std.err(group1) mean(group2) variance(group2) std.err(group2) pvalue qvalue
Otu6 0.000111782 9.66E-08 8.03E-05 0.000653306 3.49E-07 0.000152491 0.002997003 0.049778899
Otu7 8.54E-05 8.49E-09 2.38E-05 1.34E-05 1.36E-09 9.54E-06 0.013753493 0.132860173
Otu11 4.98E-05 3.72E-08 4.98E-05 0 0 0 0.031883871 0.216914569
Have you found this before? Is there any difference from the mothur version of metastats and the original ?
In addition, why mothur didn't provide the q value as it should be useful if the data is complex(many taxa or otus)?
Thanks again :)