Differentially represented OTUs in metastats analysis

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the output from the mothur implementation of metastats: I would like to classify the OTUs that are differentially represented according to my metastats analysis; according to the wiki (if I understand correctly), the OTU numbers in the metastats output should match those OTUs in the shared file that was used as the metastats input. If this input shared file was formed by subsampling (as described in the Schloss SOP for example) then I assume that those OTU numbers in the subsampled shared file would not be the same as they are in the original shared file. If the classify.otu step was performed prior to subsampling, the OTU classification would no longer be applicable to the OTUs numbers in the subsampled shared fileā€¦is that correct? If so, how can classify the OTUs that are differentially represented?



If you have the most recent version of mothur, the OTU numbers should be the same.