Hello, can somebody help me?.
at first I have no issue when running this command: mothur > make.contigs(file=stability.files)
and this is the result:
It took 33 secs to assemble 170254 reads.
Group count:
A0.raw 170377
A1.raw 173339
A2.raw 170834
R1.raw 173631
R2.raw 170254
Total of all groups is 858435
It took 169 secs to process 858435 sequences.
Output File Names:
then the step was done and i run this command to check the summary but I got the error.
mothur > summary.seqs(fasta=stability.trim.contigs.fasta, count=stability.contigs.count_table)
Using 8 processors.
[ERROR]: Your count file contains 858379 unique sequences, but your fasta file contains 858435. File mismatch detected, quitting command.
why i got this error and how to fix this
I hope I can get help in this
thank you
Can you run this again and see if you still get the error message? I wonder if the process ended prematurely or if you were manually editing either of the files
I’ve successfully solved the problem by following the guide from here File mismatch detected, quitting command.
the thing I did was removing the mismatched sequence from stability.trim.contig.fasta file to match the number of sequence to count_table file because the mismatched fasta are not so much only about 56 sequences.
so I run this command: