I want to classify my eukarya sequences with the last release of SILVA (nr_119)
I don’t know what template file I have to use for this.
My command is :
mothur > classify.seqs(fasta=test.txt, template=nogap.eukarya.fasta, taxonomy=silva.nr_v119.tax, processors=1)
Using 1 processors.
Generating search database… DONE.
It took 1 seconds generate search database.
Reading in the silva.nr_v119.tax taxonomy… DONE.
‘AF109322.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
‘X98845.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
‘X56533.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
‘X97975.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
‘AF052717.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
‘AF052715.1’ is in your template file and is not in your taxonomy file. Please correct.
Thanks you