Hi everyone
I would like to ask about an file mismatch error which pop when using summary.seq(fasta=.fasta,count=.count_table).
I used pre.cluster(fasta=,names=,group=*) to generate the current fasta file.Before using pre.cluster(), I have a previous count file.
Following MiSeq SOP on mothur wiki,I plan to use screen.seq() to update the count file by *.precluster.fasta
By MiSeq SOP on mothur wiki:
“Note that we need the count table so that we can update the table for the sequences we’re removing and we’re also using the summary file so we don’t have to figure out again all the start and stop positions:
mothur > screen.seqs(fasta=stability.trim.contigs.good.unique.align, count=stability.trim.contigs.good.count_table, summary=stability.trim.contigs.good.unique.summary, start=1968, end=11550, maxhomop=8)
mothur > summary.seqs(fasta=current, count=current)”
But after using screen.seq(fasta=.fasta,count=.count_table), the summary.seq() still report error “File mismatch detected, quitting command.”
“[ERROR]: Your count file contains 517431 unique sequences, but your fasta file contains 467156. File mismatch detected, quitting command.”
I also tried using fasta and name file created by pre.cluster() and previous group file to create count file.
After using screen.seq(fasta=.precluster.fasta,name=.precluster.names,group=mergegroup), count.seqs(name=current, group=current) still report file mismatch error.
My question is:
How can I update count file by fasta file?
Thanks for taking your time again! If you have any suggestions or ideas, I would love to hear it : )
Best wishes,
Following are some log imformation:
mothur > screen.seqs(processors=16,optimize=start-end, criteria=20, fasta=/home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/totaluniquegoodgoodgoodaligngooduniquegoodprecluster,count=/home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/totalnamescount_tablegoodgoodgood)
Using 16 processors.
Optimizing start to 13862.
Optimizing end to 21780.
Output File Names:
It took 3336 secs to screen 1415619 sequences.
mothur > summary.seqs(fasta=current, count=current)
Using /home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/totalnamescount_tablegoodgoodgoodgood as input file for the count parameter.
Using /home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/totaluniquegoodgoodgoodaligngooduniquegoodpreclustergood as input file for the fasta parameter.
Using 16 processors.
[ERROR]: Your count file contains 517431 unique sequences, but your fasta file contains 467156. File mismatch detected, quitting command.
mothur > count.seqs(name=current, group=current)
Using /home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/mergegroupsgoodgood as input file for the group parameter.
Using /home/ubuntu/NEW/data/Moving_pictures_of_the_human_microbiome_ID_550/Mothur/totaluniquegoodgoodgoodaligngooduniquegoodprecluster.good.names as input file for the name parameter.
Using 16 processors.
[ERROR]: processes reported processing 1443389 sequences, but group file indicates you have 50195626 sequences. Either you have a file mismatch or a process failed to complete the task assigned to it.