I am having yet another problem with the version 1.13 of mothur, this time with the align.seqs command. I have about 90,000 pyrotags that I need to do some analysis on. I aligned my sequences using reference SILVA alignment. When I tried to filter the alignment using filter.seqs command, I get the following:
filter.seqs(fasta=TCA_454.qc.noproblem.nochimera.noeurkaryota.fasta, vertical=T)
Creating Filter…
Sequences are not all the same length, please correct.
When I align the sequences using version 1.12 of mothur, I do not get the same error I got when invoking the filter.seqs command. I would like to post an input file for my alignment, but due to the nature of its size, I don’t think I will attach that to this post. What I like to know is, whether there is some reason for such discrepancy. Thank you in advance.