I’m a PhD student, and I’m using a modified version of the MiSeq SOP to fit my data.
I encountered an error message during the chimera.vsearch step:
Error in reading your fastafile, at position -1. Blank name.
I tried reducing the number of processors (from 16 to 2) and also updated vsearch to the latest version (from 2.27.0 to 2.28.1), but the same error keeps occurring.
I used the latest version (1.48.1) of Mothur, too!
I checked the fasta file used in chimera.vsearch, and there are no blank headers.
I’m not sure where the problem is.
I’m scheduled to attend a conference, so I would appreciate a prompt reply. ㅠ_ㅠ
If there are any other files needed to solve this problem, please let me know the email address to send them to.
Thank you always.
Jiwon from S. Korea