WinGUI 64 bit "file not writable"

Hello, I have installed the Windows_64bit_GUI onto 2 different Windows 64 bit computers. And I get the same problem when I try to run any pipeline. When I hit “Run”, I get the following message for example:

mothur > set.dir(input=C:\Users[username]\Desktop\XG\mothurGUI\mothur_analysis, output=C:\Users[username]\Desktop\XG\mothurGUI\mothur_analysis)
Mothur’s directories:
C:\Users[username]\Desktop\XG\mothurGUI\mothur_analysis\ directory does not exist or is not writable.
C:\Users[username]\Desktop\XG\mothurGUI\mothur_analysis\ directory does not exist or is not writable.

mothur > get.current()

Current working directory: C:\Users[username]\Desktop\XG\mothurGUI\

Problem is, the file location is writable. I downloaded and ran the 32-bit version of the WindowsGUI, I did not encounter this problem.
I have tried changing permissions for the folder, moving the program/data to a different location. To no avail.

This error occurs on both the Windows 8 and Windows 7 64-bit platforms.

Did you run the 32 bit version on the Windows 8 machine without the issue?

Yes, on the very same machines. There was no issue with the Win32 version for being able to “write” to the file.

Was wondering if this is the same issue I am having with the Windows 64-bit GUI is the same one descrivbed in the post:

[Windows] inputdir and outputdir by Romanr

And whether the fix indicated is also true for the WindowsGUI version?
