I’ve been trying to process pyrotags and kept getting this error
sequence name mismatch btwn fasta: FX4HTZ101BFAV5 and qual file: >FX4HTZ101DKA6R
Turns out that FX4HTZ101DKA6R is a sequence with 0 length so I’ve deleted it. But it would be nice if mothur could delete seqs of 0 length, because it’s not easy to deal with these fasta and quality files that are too big to open in a text editor.
did you delete the sequence in the fasta file before you ran it through MOTHUR? Was read FX4HTZ101DKA6R present in the qual file but not the fasta file initially?
I’m just wondering if having sequences in fasta and qual files in different order(or missing) will confuse mothur.