After trimming to the V4 region, none of my reads aligned to the trimmed V4 version. I then tried aligning to the full-length reads seed and got the same results; no alignments. However, when I try assigning taxonomy using the regular full length silva database, things work just fine.
Any troubleshooting advice? My end goal is to produce a V4 reference for taxonomic assignments. Preferably out of a database that comes with a taxonomy .txt file as both are required for taxonomic assignment.
I used the correct coords in pcr seqs.
mothur > pcr.seqs(fasta=silva.seed_v132.align, start=14291, end=22553, keepdots=False)
This produced a file called silva.seed_v132.pcr.align, which contained a lot of dots and dashes and the number 100 between the ID and taxonomy that I removed using bash at the same time renaming the file.
What happens when you classify the Acantharia_V4.fasta file against your trimmed version of the silva database?
What’s the closest Acantharia seqeunce in the silva_seed database?
My concern is that you either don’t really have V4 sequences or that the database has poor representation of the Acantharia. You might try to repeat the pcr.seqs and following steps using the silva.nr_v132, which will have more sequences in it.