I was getting an error while using classify.seqs, indicating several sequences were present in the template file but not in the taxonomy file. I downloaded the TaxonomyFiles folder on 22/10/2014. On checking the two files, there are different number of sequences in the two files. File “silva.full.taxonomy” has 14227 sequences, while file “silva.bacteria.fasta” has 14272 sequences.
Another small error in the taxonomy file.
Reading in the /home/ameet/databases/silva.full.taxonomy taxonomy… AB067647.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
AF419664.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
AF419667.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
AF507690.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
AY428572.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
AY536218.1 has an error in the taxonomy. This may be due to a ;;
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Where are you getting these files from?
I used the link on the Phylotype page to download the taxonomy files. See linke below.
Those are example files for running the phylotype command. phylotype takes its input from running classify.seqs. To run classify seqs you need a reference taxonomy that you can get from here: