

I am wondering how I could obtain rarefaction data with four decimal precision, in order to trace rarefaction curves from OTU data.

I used the command “cluster(phylip=name, cutoff=0.05, precision=1000, method=furthest)” from a square distance matrix calculated with dnadist, and then "rarefaction.single(list=name.list, freq=1) to generate the file namefn.rarefaction.

How could I ask with the “rarefaction.single” a precision with four decimal and not whole number in the file namefn.rarefaction ?

For example, I would like data as following :

numsampled unique lci hci 0.03 lci hci 0.10 lci hci
1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
10 9.9833 9.7298 10.2368 9.8000 8.9230 10.6769 9.1609 7.5355 10.7864
20 19.9181 19.3687 20.4675 19.2251 17.6100 20.8402 16.8868 14.0094 19.7642
30 29.8093 28.9977 30.6209 28.3290 26.0098 30.6482 23.5292 19.8495 27.2089
40 39.6552 38.6139 40.6965 37.1185 34.3295 39.9075 29.4920 25.3805 33.6035
50 49.4790 48.2302 50.7278 45.7026 42.5904 48.8148 34.8402 30.5755 39.1049
60 59.2311 57.8653 60.5969 53.9839 50.6660 57.3018 39.6871 35.3682 44.0060
70 68.9740 67.5473 70.4007 62.1261 58.8171 65.4351 44.1730 40.1165 48.2295
80 78.6610 77.3396 79.9824 70.0759 67.1926 72.9592 48.3181 44.8728 51.7634
90 88.3342 87.2957 89.3727 77.8635 75.7349 79.9921 52.1346 49.5628 54.7064
98 96.0000 96.0000 96.0000 84.0000 84.0000 84.0000 55.0000 55.0000 55.0000

Instead of having :

numsampled unique lci hci 0.03 lci hci 0.10 lci hci
1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
10 9.0000 9.0000 10.0000 9.0000 8.0000 10.0000 9.0000 7.0000 10.0000
20 19.0000 19.0000 20.0000 19.0000 17.0000 20.0000 16.0000 14.0094 19.0000
30 29.0000 28.0000 30.0000 28.0000 26.0000 30.0000 23.0000 19.0000 27.0000
40 39.0000 38.0000 40.0000 37.0000 34.0000 39.0000 29.0000 25.0000 33.0000
50 49.0000 48.0000 50.0000 45.0000 42.0000 48.0000 34.0000 30.0000 39.0000
60 59.0000 57.0000 60.0000 53.0000 50.0000 57.0000 39.0000 35.0000 44.0000
70 68.0000 67.0000 70.0000 62.0000 58.0000 65.0000 44.0000 40.0000 48.0000
80 78.0000 77.0000 79.0000 70.0000 67.0000 72.0000 48.0000 44.0000 51.0000
90 88.0000 87.0000 89.0000 77.0000 75.0000 79.0000 52.0000 49.0000 54.0000
98 96.0000 96.0000 96.0000 84.0000 84.0000 84.0000 55.0000 55.0000 55.0000

Thanks for your help.