Hi everyone, i performed a 16s rRNA analysis for studying the intestinal microbiome of mice and assess the effect of chronic and metabolic stress in mices. Also i’ taking in consideration the sex.
I have 17 samples:
- Control Group: 3 males(CM) and 3 females (CH)
*Group expossed to chronic stress: 3 males (EM) and 3 females (EH)
*Group for Metabolic stress: 3 males (DM) and 2 females (DH)
And, for assessing effect of the treatments, a teacher suggest me for an ANOVA analysis.
I followed the MiSeq SOP. So i got my distance matrix from the follow code :
mothur > dist.shared(shared=final.opti_mcc.shared)
My design file are in the format .tsv.
It was correct to use this files?
this is what i obtained comparing treatments (control x Stress x Metabolic stress) :
Ctl-Dta-Est Among Within Total
SS 0.892772 5.3959 6.28867
df 2 14 16
MS 0.446386 0.385421
Fs: 1.15818
p-value: 0.003*
Ctl-Dta Among Within Total
SS 0.463626 3.49937 3.96299
df 1 9 10
MS 0.463626 0.388819
Fs: 1.1924
p-value: 0.022
Ctl-Est Among Within Total
SS 0.460655 3.87668 4.33733
df 1 10 11
MS 0.460655 0.387668
Fs: 1.18827
p-value: 0.025
Dta-Est Among Within Total
SS 0.413579 3.41576 3.82934
df 1 9 10
MS 0.413579 0.379528
Fs: 1.08972
p-value: 0.096
What does that abbreviations means… SS, df , MS and Fs ? These results are enough to prove a hypothesis?
I’ve seen from another methods (for example, Rstudio) that i need a Fstat file, or a genind file with my samples information. It is posible to obtain these files from Mothur?