I have tried to run make.sra in mothur v 1.36.1 and I got this:
mothur > make.sra(fastq=siqoriginal.fastq, oligos=caries.oligos, project=project.txt, mimark=caries.tsv, platform=ILLUMINA, libstrategy=amplicon, instrument=Illumina_MiSeq)
Running command: fastq.info(fasta=f, qfile=f, fastq=siqoriginal.fastq, oligos=caries.oligos)
[ERROR]: no outputs selected. Aborting.
Output File Names:
The problem seems to be in the fastq.info with both fasta and qfile in âFâ.
The command fastq.info alone works without this options.
I used then the v 1.35 to run make.sra and it worked just fine.