no group file when using make.contigs with gzipped fastq files

Hi All,
I’ve run into a strange issue recently when running make.contigs on sets *.fastq.gz files. . .
make.contigs appears to run with no issue, a *.trim.contigs.fasta file of appropriate size and content is generated, and the output give what looks to be a reasonable summary with breakdown by group. . .However, no .group file is generated.
When I unzip the files manually then run make.contigs on the *fastq files with an identical call, I get a functional .groups file and everything else is fine. . .
I’ve tried this on 3 machines so far, and the same problem keeps on happening. . .
Thanks for looking into it. . .
-Adam Mumford

Thanks for reporting this bug and posting your workaround! We have fixed this bug and it will be part of version 1.37 coming soon.

Thanks for looking into it!!
The responsiveness of the developers and the community is one of my favorite things about mothur!
(You know, aside from the functionality, easy of use, etc. . .)