Hi Dr.Schloss,
I’m following your MiseqSOP to analyze my microbiome data. While I was struggling with the very first command “make. contigs” recently and I don’t know what’s going on with my codes. I formatted everything exactly follow your tutorial examples. I changed all gz files to fsatq and made the stability. files as illustrated. But there is always a running error which is posted as below. My sequences are already demultiplexed so there should be no problem with barcodes or primer sequences. I am really sorry for asking so basic questions since I am new to these stuff and will appreciate any kind of help. thanks very much in advance. I can share my data with you in dropbox if needed. thanks again!!!
mothur v.1.36.1 Last updated: 7/27/2015
Patrick D. Schloss
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
University of Michigan
When using, please cite:
Schloss, P.D., et al., Introducing mothur: Open-source, platform-independent, co
mmunity-supported software for describing and comparing microbial communities. A
ppl Environ Microbiol, 2009. 75(23):7537-41.
Distributed under the GNU General Public License
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mothur > make.contigs(file=stability.files,processors=8)
Using 8 processors.
Processing file pair Day0-154_S41_L001_R1_001.fastq - Day0-154_S41_L001_
R2_001.fastq (files 1 of 54) <<<<<
Making contigs…
[WARNING]: reading ▼ expected a name with @ as a leading character, ignori
ng read.
[WARNING]: reading o╡╬╦ó┘╓═j:^▀ expected a name with + as a leading character, i
gnoring.[WARNING]: names do not match. read ▼ for fasta and o╡╬╦ó┘╓═j:^▀ f
or quality, ignoring.[WARNING]: Lengths do not match for sequence ▼ . Read
48 characters for fasta and 2 characters for quality scores, ignoring read.[ERRO
R]: finding negative quality scores, do you have the right format selected? http
[WARNING]: reading ▼ expected a name with @ as a leading character, ignori
ng read.
[WARNING]: reading ,^+ expected a name with + as a leading character, ignoring.[
WARNING]: names do not match. read ▼ for fasta and ,^+ for quality, ignori
ng.[WARNING]: Lengths do not match for sequence ▼ . Read 18 characters for
fasta and 5 characters for quality scores, ignoring read.[ERROR]: finding negati
ve quality scores, do you have the right format selected? http://en.wikipedia.or
It took 0 secs to assemble 0 reads.
It took 4 secs to process 0 sequences.