I’m trying to run get.sharedseqs, but I keep getting the same basic error. I’ve tried running it a few different ways:
get.sharedseqs(list=VFmultiple2.final.an.list, group=VFmultiple2.final.groups)
get.sharedseqs(shared=VFmultiple2.final.an.shared, label=0.03-0.05)
get.sharedseqs(list=VFmultiple2.final.an.list, group=VFmultiple2.final.groups, label=0.03-0.05, fasta=VFmultiple2.final.fasta)
Each time it spits back something to this effect:
0.03[ERROR]: Could not open VFmultiple2.final.an.0.03.unique.001WI-003WI-005WI-006WI-007WI-008WI-009WI-012WI-013WI-014WI-015WI-016WI-017WI-019WI-020WI-Control-G1-G10-G11-G12-G14-G15-G16-G17-G20-G21-G23-G25-G27-G28-G29-G30-G31-G32-G35-G38-G39-G40-G42-G44-G48-G49-G50-G51-G53-G6-G9.shared.seqs
It does tell me that it creates an output file, but I can’t actually find that file anywhere to see what is in it.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for reporting this bug. It is caused by the length of the filename mothur is creating. The combination of all your group names creates a filename too long for the operating system. I have corrected this issue in mothur and the fix will be part of our next release.
I am encountering a different issue with get.sharedseqs. The .shared.seqs output is not giving the sequence ID, instead its just giving the OTU number and group names.
Is there a way to tackle this problem?
Prior to running this command, I used filter.shared to sort out my OTUs, and the resultant .filter.shared file was used for get.sharedseqs command as mentioned above.