I have a .shared file that contains several groups. Now I want to extract the original fasta sequences (i.e. the raw sequences with primers and barcodes) from one of those groups.
I have tried the following:
get.groups(shared=final.shared, groups=control, group=test.groups, fasta=original.fasta)
I get a .fasta file with sequences from the group in question. However there are MORE sequences in this .fasta file than if I sum the OTU line of that sample in the final.shared file; 2944 vs. 2600. 2944 is the number of sequences of the “control” group in the test.groups file. So, I essentially get all raw sequences from the control group represented in my test.groups file, not those only represented in my .shared file.
What do I need to do to get only the sequences that are represented in the .shared file?
Kind regards, Anke.