something goofy happened to my last batch run (possibly due to my server). The last few commands in my batch are
system(mkdir send)
system(cp *shared send)
system(cp ** send)
system(cp * send)
system(cp *.rep.fasta send)
system(cp *lt.ave.dist send)
system(cp *groups.ave-std.summary send)
system(cp mothur.batch send)
system(rm send/*0.01*)
system(rm send/*0.02*)
system(rm send/*0.04*)
system(rm send/*0.06*)
system(rm send/*0.07*)
system(rm send/*0.08*)
On the last cp, Iām getting this error
mothur > system(cp *
[ERROR]: You are missing )
Then this error repeated so many times that my logfile is 250GB
mothur >
[ERROR]: You are missing (
running mothur 1.36.1