Count.seqs(compress=f) results in a compressed count_table

I am working through Pat’s code club project and encountered an issue from CC023.
I am running mothur v.1.48.0 on Ubuntu-20.04.1.
I am encountering a peculiarity that the count.seqs(group=$TEMP_GROUPS, compress=f) produces the compressed table. I have tried both compress=FALSE and compress=f without success. My work around was to put in an additional line of code to perform the conversion; code/mothur/mothur "#count.seqs(count=$STUB.count_table, compress=f)".
I thought I’d leave this comment in case anyone else is having the same issue as we require the full count table for later code club episodes. Thanks, Gray.

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Thanks for reporting this issue. I have fixed it and the change will be part of our next release.