I’m running mothur v. 47 on windows.
Description of problem:
clearcut(fasta=BacPop10.chop.unique.good.filter.unique.precluster.fasta, DNA=T, verbose=t)
unifrac.weighted(tree=BacPop10.chop.unique.good.filter.unique.precluster.tre, count=BacPop10.chop.unique.good.filter.unique.precluster.count_table, distance=lt)
generates the following error:
[ERROR]: M02058_ is not in your count table. Please correct.
[ERROR]: M06066_ is not in your count table. Please correct.
Here what the first few lines of the tree file generated by clearcut look like:
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((M06066_:-0.000208,(M02058_:-0.000202,(M06066_:-0.000196,(M06066_:-0.000191,(((((((((((((M06066_:0.004497,(((((((M06066_:0.000307,(M06066_:0.000955,(((M06066_:0.010741,M06066_:0.016657):0.005434,(((((M06066_:0.011 etc.
As indicated by the error message, the seqs names are truncated.
If I run clearcut on our galaxy instance, download the tree file and run unifrac.weighted in windows (v.47), unifrac runs fine. Here is what the first few lines of the tree file generated in galaxy look like:
The seq names are complete. Galaxy runs mothur v. 39.5
|Galaxy Tool ID:|toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/mothur_clearcut/mothur_clearcut/|
|Galaxy Tool Version:||
|Tool Version:|v.1.39.5|
Just to be sure, I replaced the hyphens in the seq names with underscores, which did not solve the problem.
thanks for your help,