classify.seqs and killed template probabilities


I have been trying to use the classify.seqs command on mothur v. 15 but keep getting this message:
Generating search database… DONE.
It took 1168 seconds generate search database.
Calculating template taxonomy tree… DONE.
Calculating template probabilities… Killed

I wonder if it may have to do with the size of the template file (no. of seqs ~ 200,000).

Any idea of what may be going on?

Many thanks.

Yeah, you’re probably running out of memory. Typically, reference databases used for classification (e.g. RDP/greengenes) use fewer than 10,000 sequences.

I should say that I was able to use a similar-sized database (template) on a similar computer. Also, the template sequences are only about 350-bp long.

Many thanks.