Classify.otu command

Hello everyone,
I am new to this field and using Mothur for the first time. I am using mothur v.1.48.0. I am currently facing an issue with the classify.otu(list=final.opti_mcc.list, count=final.count_table,, label=0.03)
0.03 command. When I run the command, I am getting the following warning messages:

[WARNING]: ERR9763156.10010 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.30372 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.13925 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.10013 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.5825 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.26697 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.13911 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.3660 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.7628 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.
[WARNING]: ERR9763156.4673 is not in your taxonomy file. I will not include it in the consensus.

I have followed the Mothur SOP, but I might be missing something. Could anyone help me understand what might be going wrong? Any guidance on troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Hey there,

Welcome! It looks like you may have run something like remove.lineage on your taxonomy file without including the count file or the fasta file. The list and count_table files don’t have the “pick” tag in their file names which makes me think you may have your files out of sequence.


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