I am trying to demultiplex the seq files of a MiSeq run, which have forward.fastq, reverse.fastq and one index.fastq.
example lines from the forward.fastq: @MISEQ:192:000000000-A88BF:1:1101:14475:1417 1:N:0:CCCTCTTTTTTC
example lines from the reverse.fastq: @MISEQ:192:000000000-A88BF:1:1101:16318:1652 1:N:0:CACGCCATAATG
example lines from the index.fastq: @MISEQ:192:000000000-A88BF:1:1101:14475:1417 1:N:0:CCCTCTTTTTTC
AAAAAAAAAAAA @MISEQ:192:000000000-A88BF:1:1101:15818:1635 1:N:0:CTCCCCTCCTCT
However, I couldn’t figure out how I should demultiplex this kind of data. Would you please help me with this?
In make.contigs you will use ffastq, rfastq, and findex (or rindex). You’ll also need to provide an oligos file to tell make.contigs which index goes with each sample. Take a look at the wiki page, see if you can figure it out. If not, come on back and let us know how far you got so we can help with the next steps.
[WARNING]: R_PR is not recognized as a valid type. Choices are forward, reverse, and barcode. Ignoring BARCODE.
[WARNING]: TATCGTTGACCA is not recognized as a valid type. Choices are forward, reverse, and barcode. Ignoring TATCGTTGACCA.
[WARNING]: Sample1 is not recognized as a valid type. Choices are forward, reverse, and barcode. Ignoring BARCODE.
Mothur does not allow reverse primers to have names. https://mothur.org/wiki/oligos_file/ Your reverse primer has a name of r_pr, which is causing the read of the oligos file to fail. Try this instead:
Also, I noticed the forward and reverse index files have the same name. The forward index file should contain the forward barcodes, and the reverse index file should contain the reverse barcodes.