Biom in Phinch Desktop


I’ve done the SOP tutorial successfully. It worked perfectly and I’m happy.

I have one concern.
I’m trying to use Phinch Desktop to generate abundance bar chart.
Hence, I made biom file using Mothur followed by tutorial.

When I made biom file in the Mothur using ‘make.biom’ like below, Phich Desktop gave me an error message.

make.biom(shared=final.tx.1.subsample.1.pick.shared, constaxonomy=final.tx.1.cons.taxonomy), metadata=mouse.dpw.metadata

But, when I made biom file in the Mothur using ‘make.biom’ like below, Phich Desktop generate the figure, but I can’t change the taxonomy level.

make.biom(shared=final.tx.1.subsample.1.pick.shared, constaxonomy=final.tx.1.cons.taxonomy), metadata=mouse.dpw.metadata, output=simple

What I’ve done wrong?

I’ve attached two biom file I generated. Link


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