Before I start exposing my issues, you may have to know I’m on Mothur 1.33.3 and just saw today that you’d released v.1.34 (I don’t know if it’ll make a difference but just in case). I’m following the MiSeq SOP but only using F primer (803F).
I’m stuck for a trivial problem which many people have already wrote to you about (primer position) BUT since there was quite a lot of information out there to test a few things I went along to try and get myself out of trouble before asking for your help. Now, I guess I just wonder which DB to trust, really, and how to choose from the various different results I got. So here goes: my primers are 803F and 1392R. After reading the forum I got a 16S sequence from E. coli (NCBI Reference Sequence: NC_000913.3), cut out the first 803 sequences and only kept everything between bp 804 and bp 1392. I aligned this using the SINA aligner on the Silva website and got the following results:
- Start position is 26387
- Stop position is 41790
- bp is 552bp
Then, just because I was having tons of fun, and also in order to check that the start and stop positions were correct I did the same thing pretending I was using the 27f primer, by just taking the same 16S gene and getting rid of the first 27bp. Results were:
- Start position is 1162
- Stop position is 43282
Also, I’ve tried aligning on Mothur using the following command:
align.seqs(fasta=trial803_1392.fasta, reference=silva.seed_v119.align)
as well as the following command:
align.seqs(fasta=trial803_1392.fasta, reference=silva.bacteria.fasta)
and I get this:
We found more than 25% in sequence 1.33.3 to be ambiguous. Mothur is not to set up to process protein sequences
Start End Nbases Ambigs Polymer NumSeqs
Minimum 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
2.5%-tile 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
25%-tile 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
Median 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
75%-tile 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
97.5%-tile 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
Maximum 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
Mean 1 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876 90824876
of seqs 90824876
So, clearly, I’m missing something…
Here are my specific questions:
- why does Silva tell me that my section is 552bp when it actually is 589?
- why does Silva tell me that the 27f primer starts at position 1162, whereas I’ve read on this forum that is is 1044? Is it because there is a slight difference between the silva.seed_v119.align, the silva.bacteria.fasta and the silva that is used by the SINA aligner on the Silva website and I should therefore not worry too much about it (or should I)?
- why does my command to align a 16S fragment with the silva.bacteria.fasta or the silva.seed_v119.fasta, using Mothur, not work?
Sorry, I don’t think I’m too far from getting it but not quite there yet.
Many thanks in advance for your help!