Screen.seqs: cannot convert group... to integer


I am currently trying to run screenseqs as below, but there is an issue which I haven’t been able to troubleshoot (see below).

screen.seqs(fasta=/home/chris/Bioinformatics/Data_Analysis/Guam_2013/MiSeq/3_Mothur/3_merge_fasta_files/merged.fasta, minlength=288, maxlength=297, maxambig=0, maxhomop=8, minlength=200 group=/home/chris/Bioinformatics/Data_Analysis/Guam_2013/MiSeq/3_Mothur/2_make.groups/mergegroups, summary=/home/chris/Bioinformatics/Data_Analysis/Guam_2013/MiSeq/3_Mothur/3_merge_fasta_files/merged.summary, processors=8)

[ERROR]: cannot convert 200 group=/home/chris/Bioinformatics/Data_Analysis/Guam_2013/MiSeq/3_Mothur/2_make.groups/mergegroups to an integer.

Using 8 processors.
[ERROR]: did not complete screen.seqs.

Do you know what may be happening?

Thank you!


Can you choose between minlength=288 and minlength=200 (you have both) and then retry?

Hi Pat,

That was an issue indeed. Also, other silly mistake, I had forgotten the comma after the minlength=200. I guess that after having been staring at code for a whole day, obvious mistakes slip through detection much more easily.

Sorry for the bother.

Thank you!
