Hi all,
I’m still not too experienced with mothur but thanks to my co-worker instructions, 454 SOP and this forum threads (which I’ve found really helpful), I’ve been able to process my 16S rRNA sequences, obtained by pyrosequencing.
Now that I’m performing the subsequent analyses, I’m stuck on the following issue: Running NMDS on the same data but with different programs (mothur “NMDS” command VS R vegan “metaMDS” function) ends up with different results.
The way I proceeded was as follows:
Mothur: I first generated a Bray-Curtis distance matrix (rarefying the data) to later calculate the NMDS. Then I plotted the obtained axes scores with R “plot” function.
mothur > dist.shared(shared=final.an.0.03.abund.shared, calc=thetayc-braycurtis, subsample=1955)
mothur > nmds(phylip=final.an.0.03.abund.braycurtis.0.03.lt.ave.dist, mindim=3, maxdim=3)
Number of dimensions: 3
Lowest stress : 0.252389
R-squared for configuration: 0.531698
Vegan: I imported the same Bray Curtis distance matrix to R through the function “import_mothur_dist” from phyloseq package. Then I applied vegan “metaMDS” (3D) using the following commands:
R> dist.bray <- import_mothur_dist("final.an.0.03.abund.braycurtis.0.03.lt.ave.dist")
R> dist.bray
R> m.bray <- metaMDS(dist.bray, k=3, trymax=100, wascores = T )
R> m.bray
metaMDS(comm = dist.bray, k = 3, trymax = 100, wascores = T)
global Multidimensional Scaling using monoMDS
Data: dist.bray
Distance: user supplied
Dimensions: 3
Stress: 0.1089826
Stress type 1, weak ties
Two convergent solutions found after 2 tries
Scaling: centring, PC rotation
Species: scores missing
Not only is the stress clearly better when the vegan metaMDS is applied, but also plotting the results produced a much more interesting ordination with the metaMDS option.
Does someone have any idea of what is happening? Are these strong differences generated by the use of different NMDS algorithms? I appreciate any help!