Hi There,
i just had a doubt regarding the trim.seqs command. When I try to use to start analyzing my data. When I type this:
trim.seqs(fasta=sample.fna, oligos=sample.oligos, qfile=sample.qual, maxambig=0, maxhomop=8, flip=T, bdiffs=1, pdiffs=2, qwindowaverage=35, qwindowsize=50, processors=2)
I get the following error: You have 223893 sequences in your fasta file, but 633071 sequences in your quality file.
My first option was to use sffinfo with the original sff file, which I have, but after sffinfo(sff=HZSC42M02.sff, flow=T), I get the following error:
[WARNING]: Your sff file may be corrupted! Sequence:
Clip Qual Left = 5, but we only read 1 bases.
Clip Qual Right = 1280, but we only read 1 bases.
What can be happening here?
Thank you very much for your help
Manuel Aira