When I tried to customise the silva v123 to my region of interest using the primer sequences on my macbook, I only to get back 242 seqs. That is weird, right? Though the silva.nr_v123.align file looks fine to me. And some fault occurred when I tried to align my fasta to the customised silva.
a) primers sequences in pcrTest.oligos
b) summary.seqs(fasta=silva.nr_v123.align)
Start End NBases Ambigs Polymer NumSeqs
Minimum: 1045 29691 890 0 4 1
2.5%-tile: 1046 43116 1387 0 5 4311
25%-tile: 1046 43116 1436 0 5 43105
Median: 1046 43116 1454 0 6 86210
75%-tile: 1046 43116 1470 0 6 129314
97.5%-tile: 1046 43116 1739 2 7 168108
Maximum: 1148 43116 3660 5 24 172418
Mean: 1046.01 43114.2 1474.3 0.161213 5.62284
of Seqs: 172418
c) summary.seqs(fasta=silva.nr_v123.pcr.align)
Start End NBases Ambigs Polymer NumSeqs
Minimum: 13862 23444 250 0 3 1
2.5%-tile: 13862 23444 252 0 4 7
25%-tile: 13862 23444 253 0 4 61
Median: 13862 23444 253 0 5 122
75%-tile: 13862 23444 253 0 5 182
97.5%-tile: 13862 23444 254 1 6 236
Maximum: 13862 23444 255 4 8 242
Mean: 13862 23444 252.975 0.0950413 4.76446
of Seqs: 242
d) mothur > align.seqs(fasta=CFF1.good.unique.fasta, reference=silva.nr_v123.pcr.align)
Reading in the /Users/admin/Documents/silva.nr_v123.pcr.align template sequences… DONE.
It took 0 to read 242 sequences.
Aligning sequences from /Users/admin/Documents/CFF1.good.unique.fasta …
Segmentation fault: 11
Saving session…
…copying shared history…
…saving history…truncating history files…
However, when I tried the same thing on a windows computer, I managed to get 135907 seqs back and things seem to work fine. Any idea why the difference? Problem with the mothur or silva v123 on my mac?