cluster.split gave an error message after splitting the distance file:
“Error: Sequence ‘05’ was not found in the names file, please correct”
here are the commands I’ve executed:
align.seqs(fasta=seqAll.unique.fasta, reference=silva.bacteria.fasta, flip=t)
filter.seqs(fasta=seqAll.unique.align, vertical=T)
chimera.uchime(fasta=seqAll.unique.filter.fasta, name=seqAll.names, processors=2)
remove.seqs(fasta=seqAll.unique.filter.fasta, group=groupAll.groups, accnos=seqAll.unique.filter.uchime.accnos, name=seqAll.names)
dist.seqs(fasta=seqAll.unique.filter.pick.fasta, cutoff=0.1, processors=3)
cluster.split(column=seqAll.unique.filter.pick.dist, name=seqAll.pick.names, large=T, method=average, cutoff=0.05)
output I saw when running cluster.split:
Using 1 processors.
Using splitmethod distance.
Splitting the file...
It took 62636 seconds to split the distance file.
Reading seqAll.unique.filter.pick.dist.2.temp
Reading matrix: ||||||AAError: Sequence '05' was not found in the names file, please correct
I checked, and there is no sequence ‘05’ in the distance file. All my sequence ID’s start with “gnl”
Just emailed seqAll.unique.filter.pick.dist.2.temp and seqAll.pick.names.2.temp to mothur.bugs
What could be the problem?