I seem to be having a problem using the qtrim parameter in the trim.seqs command. When I run it without the qtrim parameter – allowing it to scrap all files that don’t meet the qthreshold – I get plenty of reads in my .trim.fasta file. However, if I try to force triming using qtrim=true, my .trim.fasta file is empty! Am I doing something wrong here?
mothur > trim.seqs(fasta=raw_pinkB.fasta, qfile=raw_pinkB.qual, qthreshold=5)
mothur > summary.seqs(fasta=raw_pinkB.trim.fasta)
Start End NBases Ambigs Polymer
Minimum: 0 0 0 0 1
2.5%-tile: 1 58 58 0 3
25%-tile: 1 271 271 0 4
Median: 1 383 383 0 5
75%-tile: 1 458 458 0 6
97.5%-tile: 1 517 517 0 8
Maximum: 1 614 614 0 31
# of Seqs: 257983
Output File Name:
mothur > trim.seqs(fasta=raw_pinkB.fasta, qfile=raw_pinkB.qual, qthreshold=5,qtrim=true)
mothur > summary.seqs(fasta=raw_pinkB.trim.fasta)
[ERROR]: raw_pinkB.trim.fasta is blank. Please correct.
Error in reading your fastafile, at position -1. Blank name.
Segmentation fault