Error in clustering

hey everyone,

While running cluster.split command we got an error can you guys please check let me know what is the actual problem?

Clustering final.499.disttemp

Clustering final.590.disttemp

Clustering final.200.disttemp

**** Exceeded maximum allowed command errors, quitting ****
[ERROR]: Could not open final.590.opti_mcc.list

tp tn fp fn sensitivity specificity ppv npv fdr accuracy mcc f1score

tp tn fp fn sensitivity specificity ppv npv fdr accuracy mcc f1score
21 42 0 15 0.583333 1 1 0.736842 1 0.807692 0.65561 0.736842

Thank You

Can you post the command you are running? Also, can you post the output of running summary.seqs on the fasta file you are giving cluster.split?


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