I was running my first small set of data this week on the Windows version of Mothur 1.44.2 and found that my results seemed strange after the make.contigs(file=…, oligos=…, checkorient=t, pdiffs=0), so I installed a Virtual box with Ubuntu 16 to try the linux version. With the same command and the same file and oligos, I got a totally different results. Here is the result of the windows version:
*Group count: *
11R1T0 4280
11R1T24 4634
11R1T48 4267
11R1T51 4056
11R1T54 4368
11R1T6 4841
11R1T60 4222
11R1T72 3726
CRTLNeg 668
Spikein 4985
TN 3713
Zymo 4588
Total of all groups is 49074
And here is the results of the Linux version:
MI.M06648 5253
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0194.CTRLNEG 10545
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0200.11R1T0 98572
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0202.CRTLNEG 14503
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0208.11R1T6 121786
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0210.Spikein 118455
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0216.11R1T24 111142
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0218.CTRL 120289
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0224.11R1T48 113344
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0232.11R1T51 113992
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0240.11R1T54 109904
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0248.11R1T60 117502
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0256.11R1T72 110561
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0264.FFMF 233
MI.M06648_0066.001.FLD0272.TN 89741
Total of all groups is 1255822
Sample are the same, only I didn’t change their name on my virtual machine.