I’ve met a lot of problems :x , see the follows
_mothur > unifrac.weighted(tree=FL.trim.unique.good.pick.filter.fn.jclass.0.03.tre,group=FL.good.pick.groups,name=FL.trim.good.pick.names,distance=square,processors=2)
Using 2 processors.
Name: X_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: X_J is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: N_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: N_K is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: N_J is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: N_H is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: G2_H is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: G2_J is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: G1_K is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: D_J is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: D_H is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: X_H is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: G2_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: G1_Z is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: XN_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: M_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: D_Z is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_XN is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_X is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_D is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_N is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_G2 is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_M is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
Name: FY_G1 is not in your groupfile, and will be disregarded.
X_M is not in your name file, please correct._
The question is these names in my groupfile, see …
_mothur > count.groups(group=FL.good.pick.groups)
D_H contains 5228.
D_J contains 4056.
D_Z contains 5045.
FY_D contains 5738.
FY_G1 contains 3288.
FY_G2 contains 4228.
FY_M contains 2983.
FY_N contains 3413.
FY_X contains 4527.
FY_XN contains 5780.
G1_K contains 5676.
G1_Z contains 4332.
G2_H contains 3789.
G2_J contains 4815.
G2_M contains 5107.
M_M contains 4703.
N_H contains 5701.
N_J contains 3898.
N_K contains 4876.
N_M contains 4668.
XN_M contains 5186.
X_H contains 4929.
X_J contains 5193.
X_M contains 4632.
mothur > get.current()()
Current files saved by mothur:
please give some explaining about this, which would be highly appreciated!