I have confused how could I get the stablity.files of my data.I have try to run the test data and all is good. Whether should I type the file name of my data and save (But I have to much data more than thousands), or is there some command I missed ?
You generally need to make it yourself, since it’s the linker of your groups to file names. If you have a large number of samplesyou could use a bit of command line wizardry to simplify the process, for example I could generate the stability.files file presented in the MiSeq SOP using the following:
ls *R1_001.fastq | cut -f1 -d "_" > groupnames.txt
ls *R1_001.fastq > forward.txt
ls *R2_001.fastq > reverse.txt
paste groupnames.txt forward.txt > temp.txt
paste temp.txt reverse.txt > stability.files
Potentially you could try something similar, you just need to know whereabouts in the file name your sample information is, and what distinguishes forward/reverse reads.
Ah, those commands I used (ls, cut, paste) are standard console commands on Linux and Mac computers. You can call them directly from the console, or from within mothur using the system() command. E.g.