Hi All,
I am new user in mothur and trying to analyse my 454 GS FLX Titanium 16S sequencing data. In interactive mode, I run these commands in order:
sffinfo(sff=PRJNA423040.sff, flow=T)
trim.flows(flow=PRJNA423040.flow, oligos=PRJNA423040.oligos, pdiffs=2, bdiffs=1, processors=2, minflows=225, maxflows=225)
shhh.flows(file=PRJNA423040.flow.files, lookup=/usr/bin/mothur)
after running shhh.flows, clustering flowgrams always give me this error:
PRJNA423040.trim.shhh.dist is blank. Please correct.
and after finalizing procedure, this comes up: “Segmentation fault (core dumped)” and quit from mothur itself.
How can I deal with this kind of problem, I would appreciate any help.
Edit: my laptop has 64 gb ram
Thank you