Problem with sub.sample

Dear all,

I decided to combine my samples in groups, but when I run the command sub.sample I obtain the following error:

[ERROR]: your fasta file contains 567577 sequences, and your groupfile contains 228995, please correct.

Before the clustering phase, I would like to group my samples in 3 groups. This is the sequence of commands I executed:

split.groups(fasta files, name and groups): in order to separate my samples
merge.files for each group with fasta and names files: I obtained 3 fasta and 3 names files
merge file with my 3 fasta groups and names in order to obtain a single fasta and a single names file
make.groups with my 3 fasta files

So the problem is that I only have unique sequences in my group files (because it was created from the fasta file), so the standardisation does not work.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You can run the deunique.seqs command before the to make sure your fasta files contains all the sequences.

split.groups(fasta files, name and groups): in order to separate my samples merge.files for each group with fasta and names files: I obtained 3 fasta and 3 names files deunique.seqs(fasta=fasta1, name=name1) deunique.seqs(fasta=fasta2, name=name2) deunique.seqs(fasta=fasta3, name=name3) merge file with my 3 deuniqued fasta groups in order to obtain a single fasta make.groups with my 3 deuniqued fasta files unique.seqs(fasta=combinedFastaFile) - create unique fasta and names files

This should get you what you are looking for.

Hi Westcott!

It worked! Thank you for your valuable help!