I am using mothur to filter my shared file (made with mothur). I am using the filter.shared command and I think it works great. I understand that I need to create the OTURare to maintain the relative abundance across all OTUs. However, when I try to do taxonomic analysis, what do I do with this OTURare? should I assign it random taxa? Should I remove it? I am asking this because I need to have matching OTUs in the .shared and .taxonomy files to use the MicrobiomeAnlyst web tool. In advance, thanks for the help!
Never mind, I was using the wrong file. Sorry about that.
One last question. I am comparing the alpha diversity values from the summary.single command with the ones I have calculated using the R vegan package. The Shannon and invsimpson values are the same between the 2 programs, but they are not the same for the Simpson values. Any idea why this might be happening?