I’d like to generate otu matrices of specific phyla. How could I do this? I’ve classified the otu’s so have the taxonomy file and the shared file.
at this poitn the easiest way would be to run get.linage for the groups you want, dist.seqs, cluter, make.shared
oh bummer. a few of my phyla are huge (100k preclustered seqs) redoing the distance matrix and clustering on that phyla, which naturally would be my first target, would take a week or so.
Thanks for the feature request. In version 1.31.0 you will be able to do the following:
mothur > classify.otu(list=final.an.list, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, name=final.names) - classify OTUs
mothur > get.lineage(constaxonomy=final.an.0.03.cons.taxonomy, shared=final.an.shared, label=0.03, taxon=‘Bacteria;Firmicutes;’) - select OTUs that classified to Bacteria;Firmicutes;.
Output File Names:
mothur > classify.otu(list=final.an.list, taxonomy=final.taxonomy, name=final.names) - classify OTUs
mothur > get.lineage(constaxonomy=final.an.0.03.cons.taxonomy, list=final.an.list, label=0.03, taxon=‘Bacteria;Firmicutes;’) - select OTUs that classified to Bacteria;Firmicutes;.
Output File Names:
sweet, thanks Sarah
Hi, very nice - works fine.
Can I also extract a fasta file?
To get the fasta file containing the sequences in the final.an.0.03.pick.list file, try running:
get.seqs(fasta=yourFastaFile, name=yourNameFile)
You may also want to include your group file:
get.seqs(fasta=yourFastaFile, name=yourNameFile, group=yourGroupFile)
works just fine! Thanks a lot!