I have some problem to select the optimal end or start point in screen.seqs. After doing the alignment with Silva reference, I got the summary showed in below :
Start End NBases Ambigs Polymer NumSeqs
Minimum: 1044 1130 27 0 2 1
2.5%-tile: 1044 1463 46 0 3 1487
25%-tile: 6428 15647 64 0 4 14866
Median: 13861 23443 117 0 4 29732
75%-tile: 32661 35424 222 0 4 44598
97.5%-tile: 42630 43116 422 0 5 57977
Maximum: 43020 43116 519 0 7 59463
Mean: 17939.5 23935.7 157.178 0 4.05686
of Seqs: 59463
I think there is less overlap of sequences with each other. I’m not sure what is the optimal end or start point which I should to use. Please suggest me.
Thank you very much